NUC’s Directory of Full Professors in the Nigerian University System, 2017.
Esteemed Vice-Chancellor,
NUC under the able leadership of His Academic Eminence,
Professor Abubakar Adamu Rasheed is making history again. No university system
in Africa has a database and a published directory of full professors in the
system. None whatsoever. I am not sure any exists anywhere on the planet! He
has directed that one should be in place and asked the NUC Strategy Advisory
Committee (STRADVCOM) to facilitate the process. We are honoured to heed and
implement this directive.
Among its numerous benefits, it is the view of the Executive
Secretary that the Directory of Full
Professors in the Nigerian University System, 2017 (to be updated annually) will be of immense
benefit to:
- Vice-Chancellors in sourcing full
professors for external assessment especially for appointment/promotion of
senior academics especiallyprofessors.
- NUC for strengthening its database
of experts including members of accreditation panels.
- Federal and state governments for
sourcing experts for various assignments requiring quality scholarship.
- Development partners for sourcing
Nigerian experts for national and international consultancies.
The hard and searchable electronic versions of the publication
are due for release by the Executive Secretary on July 2, 2018.
Action Required:
1. Please
request all full Professors in
your university appointed/promoted up to December 31, 2017 and who desire to be part of the Directory,to
register at the link below.
2. Please
note the maximum number of professors you declared for your University for 2017
in The State of University
Education in Nigeria, 2017 in the table below
and keep within this number.
3. You may
request your DAP to ensure that only genuine Professors from your university
enrol in the Directory. Those on sabbatical and other approved leaves should
also be contacted and encouraged to enrol.
4. To
speed up the entry by each Professor, we have provided below, the fields that
are required for filling-in so the Professor can study and prepare relevant
information to enable him/her complete the form in less than no time. He/she is
also to upload the latest CV (in Microsoft Word) to the site.
Deadline for submission
of entries is June 30, 2018. Any university or
professor that misses out in this inaugural edition will have another
opportunity in 2019. However, we strongly advise that your university and
all your full professors should take advantage of being part of this first
outing. Since the ES wants to launch on July 2, we regret that we will not
be able to extend the deadline of June 30. The online platform is programmed to stop taking new entries
from 12 midnight of June 30. We will be happy if all
the over 9000 full Professors
in the system in 2017are part of this publication.
The link to the online form is:
Very sincerely,
Peter A. Okebukola, DSc, PhD, FSAN, FSTAN, FIAE, DSSE, GIOH, OFR
Distinguished Professor of Science and Computer Education, Lagos
State University
Chairman of Council, Crawford University and National Open
University of Nigeria (NOUN)
Chairman, Board of Trustees, Caleb University
President, Global University Network for Innovation
Fields for the Database
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