
NUC’s Directory of Full Professors in the Nigerian University System, 2017.

  JUNE 12, 2018 Esteemed Vice-Chancellor, NUC under the able leadership of His Academic Eminence, Professor Abubakar Adamu Rasheed is making history again. No university system in Africa has a database and a published directory of full professors in the system. None whatsoever. I am not sure any exists anywhere on the planet! He has directed that one should be in place and asked the NUC Strategy Advisory Committee (STRADVCOM) to facilitate the process. We are honoured to heed and implement this directive. Among its numerous benefits, it is the view of the Executive Secretary that the  Directory of Full Professors in the Nigerian University System, 2017  ( to be updated annually ) will be of immense benefit to: Vice-Chancellors in sourcing full professors for external assessment especially for appointment/promotion of senior academics especiallyprofessors. NUC for strengthening its database of experts including members of accreditation pan...